Research Interests
- Economics of Informations Systems
- AI Applications
- Platform Economics
- Technology and Real Estate
- Technology and Healthcare
- Gig Economy
- Causal Inference, Machine Learning, Structural Modeling
Accepted/Published Papers
(* Indicates first author or co-first author. Co-first authors listed in alphabetic order.)
- Shimao, H. *, Kim, SJ. *, Khern-am-nuai, W., and Cohen, M. “Revisiting the CEO Effect Through Machine Learning Lens.” Management Science (Forthcoming)
Papers Under Review
(* Indicates first author or co-first author. Co-first authors listed in alphabetic order.)
- Kim, SJ.*, Xie K., Chen, W., Wei Z. “Beyond the Stay: How Short-term Rentals Reshape Residential Real Estate Investment.” Under Review
Working Papers
- Should Digital Platforms Share Data with Governments? Evidence from Airbnb
- Finalizing for submitting to MIS Quarterly
- with Hongchang Wang, Karen Xie, Wei Chen and Zaiyan Wei
- Does the ‘‘Going Solo’’ Relationship Trend have an Effect on the Real Estate Market?
- Finalizing for submitting to Management Science
- with Ralph Siebert and Zaiyan Wei
- Presented at POMS Annual Conference (2022)
- The Spillover Effect of a Minimum Wage Increase on a Multi-level Marketing Firm and Its “Uncovered” Sales Agents
- In preparation for submitting to Journal of Marketing
- with Dinesh Puranam, Wreeto Kar, and S. Siddarth
- Presented at ISMS Marketing Science (2023)
- Does Robot-Assisted Surgery Improve Healthcare Delivery?
- with Jianing Ding and Susan Feng Lu
- In preparation for submitting to Management Science
- Presented at Informs Annual Meeting (2023,2024)
- Presented at POMS Annual Conference (2024)
- How the Compensation Plan of a Multilevel Marketing Firm Impacts Sales Agent Effort and Performance: The Role of Boundary Looking
- with Wreeto Kar, S. Siddarth, and Byungyeon Kim
- In preparation for submitting to Marketing Science
- Presented at ISMS Marketing Science (2022)
- Invited to present at Korea University Brownbag seminar (2021)